Latest news 1 August 2010

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Well we are back from the sardne run in Transkei and had an amazing time interacting with copper sharks, humpback whales & calves, common dolphins & bottlenose dolphins, cape gannets and an incredibly up close and fun personal encounter with a skua.  All in all a highly successful trip was had, with some incredible weather […]

Dive conditions 22nd May 2010

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Along with glassy ocean conditions and a stunning warm autumn day here on the east coast of KwaZulu-Natal, dive conditions were not as superb as surface conditions but nevertheless, we had brilliant dives over the weekend.  Water temperature was sitting at around 19 – 20 degrees C with an average of 7m visibility.  There was […]

22 May 2010

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We had our first humpback whale sighting of the season on Saturday!!  Much excitement was had by all and we will certainly be watching out for more arrivals of these beautiful animals on their migration up north.  In addition, I had my first large male raggie sighting on Saturday as these sharks now start to […]

Weekend sightings 25th – 27th April

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Remarkably the ocean settled down rather quickly post the massive south westerly wind that blasted through for 2 days.  We had great conditions over the long weekend with superb sightings.  Cathedral produced a 3.5m scalloped hammerhead shark that stayed with us for around 10 minutes.  This large, robust animal constantly used the entire water column […]

Aliwal Shoal sightings 18 April

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A great dive was had today.  Excellent underwater conditions, even with a moderate N – S current pushing inshore.  At least 4 large spotted eagle rays were sighted, within touching distance of divers.  2 potato bass, a manta ray and 3 female ragged tooth sharks inside Cathedral.

Aliwal Shoal 7th April

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A light south westerly wind that turned into more of a moderate south westerly as the day progressed.  Water temperature a warm 24 degrees C, viz between 8 – 10m with a south – north current, swirling at times but not unmanageable at all.  An easy flat launch from Umkomaas with a high tide at […]

Yesterday dive at Aliwal Shoal

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Ahead of the south westerly that came through, we had a brilliant single tank dive with some macro sightings of an osscilated snake eel, green paper fish, pipefish, large green turtle, some stunning nudibranches and of course, we were sung to by what sounded like a massive pod of bottlenose dolphins that we just could […]