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An incredible humpback whale day was had today with at least 10 animals in the immediate area.  There was a lot of interaction between some of the whales, creating amazing photographic opportunities.    

Incredible ocean experience day

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We have had the most incredible ocean experience day today.  An ocean experience can best be described as a marine game drive.  You simply never know what you are going to see and whatever you do see is an absolute delight!! 4 Humpback whales, 2 of which were seriously chilled.  A massive pod of bottlenose […]

Exciting season arrivals

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Exciting news is that the first humpback whale has been sighted for the season with a lovely breach that gave it away!!!!! We have been squinting out at the ocean for days now, waiting for the first arrival of the large numbers of humpback whales that we get along the eastern coastline and which symbolizes winter […]

Aliwal Shoal dive Wednesday 23rd Feb

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With great viz to greet us and much warmer waters, we enjoyed a great “drift” dive between Raggie Cave and way beyond Cathedral.  A shunting north-south current prevailed, however the great viz and warmer waters made the dive spectacular. The 2nd dive produced a blacktip shark on descent, bottlenose dolphin whilst we were on scuba […]

Umzimayi wall & Fern Coral Sunday 20th Feb

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The most spectacular dive was had at Umzimayi Wall!!!!! As if the large shoals of tropical amberjacks (Sangora”s) were not enough, the round ribbon tail rays in formation on descent and whilst on the dive, finding the longnose hawkfish nestled in it’s hidey hold and the juvenile clown triggerfish, along comes Mrs Tiger shark gliding […]

Lesser guitarfish sighted last day of 2010

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An absolutely amazing dive was had today at Butchers, which has not been dived in over 8 years by anyone!!!!!! Such hidden treasures all over this site, what a joy to dive here!!!!!! Sighted the lesser guitarfish ((Rhinobatos annulatus), huge nudibranches, baardman (tassel fish) and many more………………………………..We will be back…………………… It is such an amazing […]