Humpback whales
I am sitting at home, in my office in the late afternoon, looking out at sea and watching 2 humpback whales playing for what has now been a long time. What a privilege!!!
I am sitting at home, in my office in the late afternoon, looking out at sea and watching 2 humpback whales playing for what has now been a long time. What a privilege!!!
Despite 2 days of strong NE winds and then a strong SW wind, we had a brilliant dive this morning. The launch was not the easiest but very superbly done by our skipper with his vast knowledge of the ocean!! An incredibly light N – S current prevailed, with water temperature ranging between 19 & […]
A great dive today, with at least 7 raggedtooth sharks, one of which appears incredibly pregnant and all females sighted today. Manta ray, nudibranches, ragged scorpionfish, needlefish, trumpet fish, yellowtail kingfish and so much more………………………………………if you are in the office, sorry!!!!! For those of us enjoying an outdoor lifestyle, what a great day!!!!!!!
Great dive conditions around at the moment. Despite the north easterly that is adamant on blowing, we have had incredibly visibility this week, averaging 20m. Water temperature 20/21 degrees C with a light, almost non existant south north current. Surface conditions today were not the best with a moderate easterly chop, but once underwater, diving […]
We are running a PADI Advanced diver course & Tiger shark/Blacktip shark course, starting from 17th December 2010 for anyone interested. Please feel free to contact me for the course overview and costs, if you are keen. Debbie.
As predicted, the doctor wind (south westerly) arrived late Friday evening and produced a great, flat launch on Saturday morning. Although the wind continued to blow at moderate speed, we had great, great dives, with 20m viz, a light S – N current and water temperature of 21 degrees C.
We had superb dives over the weekend with sightings, amongst others, of a large school of sangora (tropical kingfish) circling us the entire dive at Cowrie reef, 3 flapnose houndsharks (I had not seen one before and it was an amazing sighting), 2 banded pipefish, longnose hawkfish and the beautiful songs of the humpback whales […]
An amazing day of diving was had by a full boatload of happy divers today. First dive of the day was to Landers Pinnacle, a small raggedtooth shark was spotted, along with 2 banded pipefish, a blacktip shark and some amazing soft corals. The next dive was a baited shark dive and we were graced […]
Today we had an amazing dive at Landers Pinnacle. Viz 20m+. Light N – S current. Water temperature 20 degrees C. Moderate North east blowing but great dive.
2 absolutely superb dives were done today at 2 dive sites that have not been dived in over a year, by anyone!! We had a fabulous dive on Cowrie reef (Rocky Bay), excellent dive conditions and an absolutely scenic and amazing dive site. 2nd dive was to Fern Coral dive site (Rocky Bay) and what […]