SARDINE RUN 2011 and all the latest news………………….

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Hi everyone

We only have a few days left before so many great and wonderful things begin and gosh, it’s too exciting for words!!!

To begin with, having been a specialist guide on the sardine run for many years and having worked the run for many, many years, Rob and I have been asked to guide on the first live a board sardine run trip this year with Extraordinary Expeditions.  The vessel is a 153ft ex navy mine sweeper called Snow Petrel and we depart from East London with 6 different trips, spanning 39 days in total. First departure date is 11th June.  What is more exciting, looking ahead, is being out at sea early in the morning as the sun rises and being out at sea late in the afternoon before sunset, which will give us a new understanding of the sardine run at these times, along with behavioural patterns of the sardines at these times and the predators in the area at the same time.

Rob and I have both been afforded this incredible opportunity for this year and are thrilled to be spending time with such amazing photo journalists and photographic groups on all of these trips.  We will all be sharing some of the most amazing encounters with being on the water for such long periods each day and being on the ocean at night.

Having said this, communication with you all will be scarce as we head out to cover vast areas of the ocean. BUT we will update you as and when we can.

The second exciting “happening” is that we are just that much closer now to opening up our second operation and new destination in Port St John’s, Wild Coast, Transkei. As soon as things settle a little and we have photographs, we will send out a news bulletin. Launch day for this is August, directly after the liveaboard sardine run trip, so there are many exciting things on our doorstep now…………just a few more sleeps and it all begins……………………………

We depart the KZN coast on Monday 30th May 2011 and head down to Port St John’s for a few days, to sort out the new operation there.  From there we head down to East London to spend a few days familiarizing ourselves on Snow Petrel ahead of everyone else boarding.  The 11th June sees us depart East London harbour for the start of an amazing 39 day journey into the world of the sardine run as we have not seen it before…………………………..early morning, late afternoon and at night………………………………….

Sincere apologies, up front, as communication is going to be non existent, but in the meantime, take care and happy diving to you all!

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