Superb weekend of shark diving

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What a superb weekend of shark diving we had, actually a superb weekend of all diving.  Outstanding ocean conditions, superb visibility of at least 25m and warm water temperatures of 25/26 degrees C.

On the reef dive to Umzimayi Wall, we had no less than 30m viz, a slight N – S current and exceptionally warm waters.  So many little things to see and of course our ever present long nose hawkfish……………stunning dive.

On both our shark dives, we had exceptional visibility and a brief tiger shark appearance at the beginning of each dive, followed by at least 30 blacktip sharks and on the 2nd day, 3 potato bass and a large shoal of pick handle barracuda, which kept circling and circling throughout the entire dive.  Visibility so fantastic that you could see the ripples on the sand…………………………….exceptional stuff.

We introduced our special mermaid Andrea to the world of sharks in large numbers and she did not want to get out of the water.  She is 12 years old and handled both her shark dives like she had been doing this all of her young life and beyond………..So much so that there is now a magazine article being done about her and how amazing she is at such a young age and such a shark ambassador at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Watch this space and we will give you the link when it is published.  She absolutely loved having all the sharks around her and many amazing photographs have been taken with her and the beautiful sharks.

In a nutshell, a fantastic weekend of great dives, great company and awesome conditions.

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