Umzimayi wall & Fern Coral Sunday 20th Feb

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Umzimayi Wall Feb 2011 Longnose hawkfishThe most spectacular dive was had at Umzimayi Wall!!!!! As if the large shoals of tropical amberjacks (Sangora”s) were not enough, the round ribbon tail rays in formation on descent and whilst on the dive, finding the longnose hawkfish nestled in it’s hidey hold and the juvenile clown triggerfish, along comes Mrs Tiger shark gliding across the ledge in all her 3.5m glory!!!!!!!

What a spectacular dive, what a spectacular dive site this is and no wonder it is one of our firm favourites!!!!!!!

Our clients were absolutely thrilled and we are adding some great images of the day.

Spectacular Fern Coral reef
Spectacular Fern Coral reef



Doublesash butterfly fish
Doublesash butterfly fish

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